Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Post-Christmas Post

Well Christmas came so quickly and disappeared just as fast. I'm sad that it's all over, but excited about 2006.
I'm posting a few pictures of the beach we go to - gorgeous clear and blue water, white, squeaky sand. Entirely private and free from tourists.

The only damper on the situation was the fact my parents had been swimming the previous week and turned to look out toward the ocean. There, not 1 metre away was a 5 foot bronze whaler shark. Nasty. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, but as the water was so clear I was able to convince myself that I would see a shark coming from a mile away....I would right? Right?
On boxing day, we drove back here and had a bunch of people around for a bbq. It turned into a really good night, very rowdy and drunken, but it was good to catch up with everyone. I like how as a group of 24-30 year olds, we can still drink like 19 year olds. The hangovers are just a little bit worse for us.
All in all it was a good Christmas. Unfortunately I'll be back at work tomorrow. But I guess it's only a few days until the New Years long weekend. I still don't know what the hell I'm going to do for NYE. I've been invited to 2 different parties and everyone who isn't going to these parties are keen to just hit the local pub. I'm keen to just hang out at home - I think I'm getting old!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
How it all began...
I'll be the first to admit that I enjoy reading other people's stuff. I used to know my ex boyfriend's email password and would read the emails his new girlfriend would write him. I wasn't jealous, just strangely interested.
So I guess it's a natural progression for me to become obsessed with blogs. I can't remember how I even came across them, but these girls caught my eye. I was like Honey! There are these girls who just write cool things about partying and socialising and stuff! That's way cool. It was then I got a quick lesson on what a blog is and who can write one (Really? I can have one? From then, I was HOOKED. From Athens, it was just a click away to here, where I developed a serious girl crush. The rest is history: Stolie and Kiki, Sassy Suspect and Dooce. They're all lined up on my tool bar. Every now and then I'll add a new found blog. Lately it's the guys who are representing: Matty and
Mitch were the first 2 people to ever link to me - ever! And Tyler writes some of the funniest things I've ever read. Like laugh out loud funny.
Some of these people don't even know I read their stuff, I've not commented on most of them. I'm a lurker, and I probably still would be if I hadn't started this blog. It's fun being anonymous no one I know reads this and even if they did, I wouldn't want to know that they did. I'd love to post pictures, and maybe one day I will. For now though, I'm still getting used to the idea of writing all my thoughts down for the world to see.
So I guess it's a natural progression for me to become obsessed with blogs. I can't remember how I even came across them, but these girls caught my eye. I was like Honey! There are these girls who just write cool things about partying and socialising and stuff! That's way cool. It was then I got a quick lesson on what a blog is and who can write one (Really? I can have one? From then, I was HOOKED. From Athens, it was just a click away to here, where I developed a serious girl crush. The rest is history: Stolie and Kiki, Sassy Suspect and Dooce. They're all lined up on my tool bar. Every now and then I'll add a new found blog. Lately it's the guys who are representing: Matty and
Mitch were the first 2 people to ever link to me - ever! And Tyler writes some of the funniest things I've ever read. Like laugh out loud funny.
Some of these people don't even know I read their stuff, I've not commented on most of them. I'm a lurker, and I probably still would be if I hadn't started this blog. It's fun being anonymous no one I know reads this and even if they did, I wouldn't want to know that they did. I'd love to post pictures, and maybe one day I will. For now though, I'm still getting used to the idea of writing all my thoughts down for the world to see.
Ok, so it's wednesday, um no, thursday now. I've been out even though i shoud be sleeping. i'm a little drunk, not alot. a few things occurred.
1. As I was getting my money out I dropped my tampon at 7-11.
2. I was quite easily the oldest person at the bar I went to tonight- I'm 24
3. I was invited to a NYE party I might actually go to
4. I realised that I really do love my boyfriend
5. I developed another girl-crush on my boyfriend's best friend's brother's girlfriend.
6. I saw my boyfriend smoke pot for the first time
7. I sang christmas carols in german with some german guys
that is all
good night
1. As I was getting my money out I dropped my tampon at 7-11.
2. I was quite easily the oldest person at the bar I went to tonight- I'm 24
3. I was invited to a NYE party I might actually go to
4. I realised that I really do love my boyfriend
5. I developed another girl-crush on my boyfriend's best friend's brother's girlfriend.
6. I saw my boyfriend smoke pot for the first time
7. I sang christmas carols in german with some german guys
that is all
good night
Monday, December 19, 2005
Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling.

Edna Ferber had it right.
My boyfriend told me today that's he's bought my Christmas present. I asked him to give me a hint. He said something like "people shouldn't say stupid things if they don't want stupid presents" with a cheeky grin on his face. That could mean anything. I am tentatively excited.
I'm officially pumped about Christmas. Officially. I have to work right up until the 23rd, so we'll head down to the parent's on Christmas Eve morn, bundled with bikinis, presents and plenty of room in our tummies for snacking.
I love Christmas in Australia, but I must admit I envy those who enjoy a white Christmas. A few years ago I traveled to America simply to have this experience. I had big plans to get a picture of me building a snowman in my bikini to send home, unfortunately there was no snow for many weeks, and when it finally did snow I chickened out. Who knew it would be so cold?
We spend Christmas on the beach, cold meat and salad instead of hot dinners, sand instead of snow and hot hot hot weather instead of cold. My sister and I (25 and 24 respectively) still wake up at the crack of dawn to open our presents. The rule has always been we can open the presents we bought each other, but the "Santa presents" had to wait until Mum and Dad had their morning cups of tea and coffee.
We still leave out cookies and beer for Santa and his elves and a carrot for the reindeer, if not for the little girl down the road it's for our own giggly fun. When I was about 13 and my sister was 14 my mum said to us "Are you going to put out Santa's cookies?" We both looked at one another, Should we tell her? Shrugging, "Ummm, mum? There's something we need to tell you..." That was the night we told mum that there was no Santa Claus. Devastating.
To finish:
Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
He had low elf-esteem
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Rockin' around the Christmas tree...
Is it really Christmas next weekend? That came around way too fast! I'm basically organised, just a few little things to do.
We had our Christmas party here last night and it was awesome as expected. We made a killer punch and had Jaeger (sp?) Bombs as well as copious amounts of beer. Kick ass.
Yesterday, we went to a friend's very christian wedding. The ceremony was crazy religious and went for.ever. The reception was awesome though, comfy and fairly relaxed. Everyone seems to be getting married around us, or at least talking about it. It seriously scares me to think about it. I'm always joking about wanting my man to propose, but I honestly don't think we're mature enough yet. Good news is he finally has agreed to travel with me. So, I'm going to start planning a BIG trip for 2007. America, Canada, Europe and Asia. I need to start saving some serious cash so I can actually afford to do everything I want. I know that we will be able to get a working visa for the UK and some other European countries, but I doubt we can work anywhere else. I need to look in to that.
In the meantime, I need to take something for my hangover and have a lie down...
We had our Christmas party here last night and it was awesome as expected. We made a killer punch and had Jaeger (sp?) Bombs as well as copious amounts of beer. Kick ass.
Yesterday, we went to a friend's very christian wedding. The ceremony was crazy religious and went for.ever. The reception was awesome though, comfy and fairly relaxed. Everyone seems to be getting married around us, or at least talking about it. It seriously scares me to think about it. I'm always joking about wanting my man to propose, but I honestly don't think we're mature enough yet. Good news is he finally has agreed to travel with me. So, I'm going to start planning a BIG trip for 2007. America, Canada, Europe and Asia. I need to start saving some serious cash so I can actually afford to do everything I want. I know that we will be able to get a working visa for the UK and some other European countries, but I doubt we can work anywhere else. I need to look in to that.
In the meantime, I need to take something for my hangover and have a lie down...
My favourite christmas movie - hands down
Friday, December 16, 2005
Which is worse: ignorance or apathy? Who knows? Who cares?
6:30am - My boyfriend's alarm goes off and I reset it for 8am
7:30am - My boyfriend leaves for work
8:45am - I wake up, sweating, from a dream where I'm pregnant with no bottom teeth to realise that I have to leave the house in about 15 minutes and I had forgotten to actually turn the alarm ON.
9:00am - I call in sick to work and climb back into bed. Screw it.
My intercom buzzer just went off randomly. I got all excited expecting a package or delivery (it's Christmas!) and it's some girl asking me if it's ok to leave a story about Jesus in my letter box. Errm, ok. At least she asked I guess.
We're having a Christmas party this weekend. It's themed and I'm so excited. The whole threat of a riot on Sat night puts a damper on it, however I figure if all the people I care about are in my house I can take care of them. I just hope that after the party nobody wants to go out anywhere. I've got a heap of alcohol, so hopefully it will entice them to stay safe in my clutches.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
-- John F. Kennedy
You know, I think of so many funny and interesting things to blog about when I'm nowhere near a computer or a pen to write it down. And then I forget. I need to work on that. My blog is boring, I know.
By the way: why does the blog spell checker not recognise the word "blog"?
7:30am - My boyfriend leaves for work
8:45am - I wake up, sweating, from a dream where I'm pregnant with no bottom teeth to realise that I have to leave the house in about 15 minutes and I had forgotten to actually turn the alarm ON.
9:00am - I call in sick to work and climb back into bed. Screw it.
My intercom buzzer just went off randomly. I got all excited expecting a package or delivery (it's Christmas!) and it's some girl asking me if it's ok to leave a story about Jesus in my letter box. Errm, ok. At least she asked I guess.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
-- John F. Kennedy
You know, I think of so many funny and interesting things to blog about when I'm nowhere near a computer or a pen to write it down. And then I forget. I need to work on that. My blog is boring, I know.
By the way: why does the blog spell checker not recognise the word "blog"?
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
I'm angry. I'm so bloody angry. I feel sick to my stomach and am close to tears.
The riots in Cronulla should not have happened. They were un-Australian and for the first time in my entire life I was ashamed of my country. We're often painted as relaxed, easy-going, accepting, good-natured and democratic, but what I have seen was a complete contradiction.
"The Soul of a Nation, The Australian Identity had evolved. This dislike of authority, the belief in egalitarianism, independence, resourcefulness, courage and mateship all are traits of the Australian Identity, all necessary for Australia to emerge from the shadows of a gaol to become a nation. (Source)
Independence? Courage? Mateship? Tonight I saw nothing except a bunch of drunk, cowardly, hateful people who, if they really were Australians like they so vocally advertised, would've celebrated instead of rioted.
The riots in Cronulla should not have happened. They were un-Australian and for the first time in my entire life I was ashamed of my country. We're often painted as relaxed, easy-going, accepting, good-natured and democratic, but what I have seen was a complete contradiction.
"The Soul of a Nation, The Australian Identity had evolved. This dislike of authority, the belief in egalitarianism, independence, resourcefulness, courage and mateship all are traits of the Australian Identity, all necessary for Australia to emerge from the shadows of a gaol to become a nation. (Source)
Independence? Courage? Mateship? Tonight I saw nothing except a bunch of drunk, cowardly, hateful people who, if they really were Australians like they so vocally advertised, would've celebrated instead of rioted.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Summer lovin' had me a blast

To celebrate my final day off before heading back to work:
Why Little A LOVES Summer
~Swimming in the ocean
~Afternoon beers at the pub - sitting on the grass in the sun. It seems like everyone starts coming out of hibernation when the weather starts getting warmer. It's like a college reunion.
~Long walks down to the beach and around the harbour
~Beach Volley Ball
~A nice, golden tan
~Sleeping in nothing but what you were born with
~Laughing so hard while swimming that you have to quickly move to a spot where you can touvh the bottom before you drown.
~The smell of BBQ (real aussie bbq with sausages and rissoles)
~Walking around the house in just my bikini
~My sun lounge on the patio
~Good fruit is in season - plums, nectarines, peaches, apricots, raspberries, water melon...mmmmm
~Beach hair
~Salt water kisses
~No use for a doona - sheets is all you need
~Sleeping with the windows open
~Not having to take a jacket when going out
~Thongs (the foot wear kind - not the underwear kiknd)
~Jervis Bay
~The fact that we can have Christmas at the beach
~My "Summer Anthems" playlist
Oh, I could go on... I'll add things as I think of them...
I hate flies. HATE.THEM.
Why is it that as soon as the weather starts turning nice (30 degrees celcius today - just thought I'd mention it) the bloody flies come out in full force.
My boyfriend is a teacher and he said that he was on the fields and it was like the flies were swarming. Swarming! Like bees.
I was on the beach this morning and I felt like the lady out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds , except instead of birds, it was fucking flies.

I've been told that there is a particular type of wind which, at a particular temperature kills all the flies. Each and everyday I pray for this wind.
Oh, and how gross is it when flies land on people's backs and they don't know to swoosh them off?
Oh, and don't get me started on maggots... they are the babies of flies! How much grosser can it get?
Why is it that as soon as the weather starts turning nice (30 degrees celcius today - just thought I'd mention it) the bloody flies come out in full force.
My boyfriend is a teacher and he said that he was on the fields and it was like the flies were swarming. Swarming! Like bees.
I was on the beach this morning and I felt like the lady out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds , except instead of birds, it was fucking flies.

I've been told that there is a particular type of wind which, at a particular temperature kills all the flies. Each and everyday I pray for this wind.
Oh, and how gross is it when flies land on people's backs and they don't know to swoosh them off?
Oh, and don't get me started on maggots... they are the babies of flies! How much grosser can it get?
Monday, December 05, 2005
Cringe moments...

My best friend and I have things that we like to call "cringe moments", where you'd give your first born child to be able to rewind and start again. Drunken hook ups, foot-in-mouth moments and regretable brush offs all come under the "cringe moment" category.
So I've been thinking... cringe moments don't always occur straight after the fact. You get your "I wish I didn't say that.." cringe moments immediately, but what about life-altering cringe moments?
My Top Three Life Altering Cringe Moments:
1. I chose to study Indonesian and Ancient History instead of Biology and Chemistry. The saddest part is I loved science. My parents bought me microscopes and bug catchers all my life. It was a well known fact that I wanted to be a nurse and you need highschool science electives to get into the course. Evidently Indonesian and Ancient History were enough to get me into a bloody Bachelor of Arts course. And here I am working for the fucking government.
2. I lost my virginity to a boy I didn't love. Granted, I eventually fell in love with him, but at the time it was not love at all. We were making out in his grandmother's living room, when he whispered to me "do you wanna go a step furver?" I nodded meekly and the rest is history.
3. This one confuses me more than any of the other cringe moments in my life. It was summer and my friend and I were staying at the uni. We partied with all of the international people that came to stay. Sometimes they were just visiting for a few days, some for a few weeks. One night we were taking a few of them to the pub and in the group we were with was an American guy who I got to talking to. He was in no way cute, but he was good to talk to. Everyone teased me when he'd get up to get a drink or go to the loo and say that I was flirting with him. I laughed and made it known that I wasn't into him. Anyway, we all went back to our apartment as some of my guy friends were crashing on our couches. For some reason he came back with us. I said good night to everyone and went into my room. Ten minutes later I hear a knock at my door, thinking it's one of my boys needing a pillow I just yelled at them to come in. So in comes the American guy. "Oh.... hi." I say, confused as all hell. He comes over to me and starts kissing me. I was pretty drunk so I kind of went along with it for a while, then realised...ew! He starts trying to take my pyjamas off, getting pretty persistent. Eventually I'm struggling to fight him off me. Then he all of a sudden stopped and told me that he wouldn't fuck me if I gave him a blow job. I was so scared that I actually did it. He left soon after and I vomited all night. The next morning I went into the living room which was full of all my best guy friends. I should have screamed out the night before, but I was more scared about what these guys would do to the scumbag if they knew he had hurt me. I debated reporting it to the university. Maybe I had led him on and deserved it for being a flirt, but I'll never forget what he said to me as he left me in a filthy heap... "I'll be fucking you before I leave Ausstralia."
Ok, wow. Didn't start this post with that story in mind, but there it is. First time ever told.
Maybe my next post will be cringe moments I can actually now laugh about.
Just to racap...
I'm back at my place after 4 lovely days at my parent's house. Had a great time hanging out with the family even though four days seemed a very long time by the end. Let's try for 3 next time shall we?
A number of things occurred:
1. I got sunburned
2. I won a kick ass fishing rod
3. I got incredibly drunk in front of my parent's and spewed. P.S I NEVER spew. Never! Why oh why did I have to in front of my mum?
4. I managed to get 75% of my christmas shopping done, even the lady at work whose name I drew out of a hat.
5. I recieved not one, not two but THREE phone calls from a guy I drunkenly gave my number to a few weeks ago. Erm... did I not tell you I had a boyfriend?
6. We set up our christmas tree while listening to christmas carols sung by Frank Sinatra.
I had plenty of time to think about things when I was sunbaking on the white sand. Hopefully I'll be able to get things going in 2006, things that will change my life for the better.
A number of things occurred:
1. I got sunburned
2. I won a kick ass fishing rod
3. I got incredibly drunk in front of my parent's and spewed. P.S I NEVER spew. Never! Why oh why did I have to in front of my mum?
4. I managed to get 75% of my christmas shopping done, even the lady at work whose name I drew out of a hat.
5. I recieved not one, not two but THREE phone calls from a guy I drunkenly gave my number to a few weeks ago. Erm... did I not tell you I had a boyfriend?
6. We set up our christmas tree while listening to christmas carols sung by Frank Sinatra.
I had plenty of time to think about things when I was sunbaking on the white sand. Hopefully I'll be able to get things going in 2006, things that will change my life for the better.
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