Friday, December 16, 2005
Which is worse: ignorance or apathy? Who knows? Who cares?
6:30am - My boyfriend's alarm goes off and I reset it for 8am
7:30am - My boyfriend leaves for work
8:45am - I wake up, sweating, from a dream where I'm pregnant with no bottom teeth to realise that I have to leave the house in about 15 minutes and I had forgotten to actually turn the alarm ON.
9:00am - I call in sick to work and climb back into bed. Screw it.
My intercom buzzer just went off randomly. I got all excited expecting a package or delivery (it's Christmas!) and it's some girl asking me if it's ok to leave a story about Jesus in my letter box. Errm, ok. At least she asked I guess.
We're having a Christmas party this weekend. It's themed and I'm so excited. The whole threat of a riot on Sat night puts a damper on it, however I figure if all the people I care about are in my house I can take care of them. I just hope that after the party nobody wants to go out anywhere. I've got a heap of alcohol, so hopefully it will entice them to stay safe in my clutches.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
-- John F. Kennedy
You know, I think of so many funny and interesting things to blog about when I'm nowhere near a computer or a pen to write it down. And then I forget. I need to work on that. My blog is boring, I know.
By the way: why does the blog spell checker not recognise the word "blog"?
7:30am - My boyfriend leaves for work
8:45am - I wake up, sweating, from a dream where I'm pregnant with no bottom teeth to realise that I have to leave the house in about 15 minutes and I had forgotten to actually turn the alarm ON.
9:00am - I call in sick to work and climb back into bed. Screw it.
My intercom buzzer just went off randomly. I got all excited expecting a package or delivery (it's Christmas!) and it's some girl asking me if it's ok to leave a story about Jesus in my letter box. Errm, ok. At least she asked I guess.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
-- John F. Kennedy
You know, I think of so many funny and interesting things to blog about when I'm nowhere near a computer or a pen to write it down. And then I forget. I need to work on that. My blog is boring, I know.
By the way: why does the blog spell checker not recognise the word "blog"?
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