Sunday, April 23, 2006
OKay, I've had a few...
It seems as though a pattern of drunk blogging is emerging amongst the people I read... Funky Brown Chick (not drunk blogging as such, more ABOUT drunk blogging), and Revolving Girl (very Drunk blogging)... so I thought I would grace the internet with my drunk presence... (by the way, i don't remember how to link)
I've had six schooners of VB. In three hours, which is about 5 standard drinks too many for a girl like me... I'm a light weight, a cadbury (glass and a half) and I get too drun too quickly. I was goign to go out with the crew, but I know that i have to get up very early for work tomorrow... but tuesday is a PUBlic holiday - anzac day so another day off. I have always thought it ironic that public hopliday has the word PUB so conspicuously within it.
Did you know... at a bar at the start of the night, if I go to the bathroom I'll use about 5 paper towels becuase I know that by the end of the night there will be none left... and I want to get my share.
Lately I've been so bloody horny that I can't stand it. Why is that?... I've spent a year avoiding sex as much as I can, trying to get past certain things that have happened to me in the past so I'm totally not used ot it, but all i want to do lately is have sex. I dream about sex and think about it ALL the time. Some of my fantasies would make your toes curl, I swear there is something so wrong with me.
Should I finish now? Oh yes, definately...
I've had six schooners of VB. In three hours, which is about 5 standard drinks too many for a girl like me... I'm a light weight, a cadbury (glass and a half) and I get too drun too quickly. I was goign to go out with the crew, but I know that i have to get up very early for work tomorrow... but tuesday is a PUBlic holiday - anzac day so another day off. I have always thought it ironic that public hopliday has the word PUB so conspicuously within it.
Did you know... at a bar at the start of the night, if I go to the bathroom I'll use about 5 paper towels becuase I know that by the end of the night there will be none left... and I want to get my share.
Lately I've been so bloody horny that I can't stand it. Why is that?... I've spent a year avoiding sex as much as I can, trying to get past certain things that have happened to me in the past so I'm totally not used ot it, but all i want to do lately is have sex. I dream about sex and think about it ALL the time. Some of my fantasies would make your toes curl, I swear there is something so wrong with me.
Should I finish now? Oh yes, definately...
Friday, April 14, 2006
Looong weekend!
Last night was a lot of fun. We had a few drinks at our local pub and I managed to not get too drunk. Just a nice little buzz the whole night. One of my friend's friends told me that I was beautiful and asked me if I had a boyfriend. He was a real sweety and kind of cute too. It's nice to be hit on, not many guys hit on me anymore because they know I have a boyfriend. This guy didn't know because I'd only met him a couple of times. It's flattering to be called hot, but even more so if they call you beautiful.
So, anyway, I'll be heading down the coast to see the family and hand out the sweet little easter pressies I've put together and to collect on all of the Cadbury eggs that I can carry. Cadbury is generally the only brand of chocolate egg that we eat at easter and lesser brands have been known to last a whole year in my parent's fridge.
Have an awesome long weekend everyone!
I wonder, do all countries take off Friday and Monday for easter, or is it just Australia?
So, anyway, I'll be heading down the coast to see the family and hand out the sweet little easter pressies I've put together and to collect on all of the Cadbury eggs that I can carry. Cadbury is generally the only brand of chocolate egg that we eat at easter and lesser brands have been known to last a whole year in my parent's fridge.
Have an awesome long weekend everyone!
I wonder, do all countries take off Friday and Monday for easter, or is it just Australia?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.
I'm writing this in my darkened bedroom, in bed under the covers with 6 pillows propping me up. I'm hungover for the second time in less than a week. This has,
I go through these stages where I get myself obilterated drinking beer and dancing like a fool, and it often involves blacking out an hour into the evening. I obtain all of my memories the following day from my boyfriend and house mate, who take evil pleasure in reminding me how I grazed my shoulder falling down some stairs, or ate an entire large turkish pide on my own.
I don't like myself today.
I never like myself after going on these stupid benders. I try to explain to my boyfriend how I don't like getting so drunk, but once I start, it's hard for me to stop. I was thinking yesterday, about how I might be an alcoholic. That thought is now gone. If I ever see or smell another beer again it will be too soon. Alcoholics don't think this way, right?
I go through these stages where I get myself obilterated drinking beer and dancing like a fool, and it often involves blacking out an hour into the evening. I obtain all of my memories the following day from my boyfriend and house mate, who take evil pleasure in reminding me how I grazed my shoulder falling down some stairs, or ate an entire large turkish pide on my own.
I don't like myself today.
I never like myself after going on these stupid benders. I try to explain to my boyfriend how I don't like getting so drunk, but once I start, it's hard for me to stop. I was thinking yesterday, about how I might be an alcoholic. That thought is now gone. If I ever see or smell another beer again it will be too soon. Alcoholics don't think this way, right?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
And for one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room...
I've just woken up from a dream where I got into medical school and it was really easy!
I'm completely obsessed with Augie March at the moment. If I ever get married "One Crowded Hour" will be my first wedding waltz or whatever.
I've figured out that I can actually search for people on myspace. It's kind of weird and I feel a little dirty doing it. I mainly look up ex-boyfriends and people I used to go to uni with. Do I dare make my own profile?
I have a few weeks off work and have no plans as to what I'm going to do. I've cleaned our apartment from top to bottom and am thinking about selling some stuff on ebay, but I'm kind of liking staying in bed until 11 and then mooching around the house in my jammies. In fact, I'm loving it.
I'm completely obsessed with Augie March at the moment. If I ever get married "One Crowded Hour" will be my first wedding waltz or whatever.
I've figured out that I can actually search for people on myspace. It's kind of weird and I feel a little dirty doing it. I mainly look up ex-boyfriends and people I used to go to uni with. Do I dare make my own profile?
I have a few weeks off work and have no plans as to what I'm going to do. I've cleaned our apartment from top to bottom and am thinking about selling some stuff on ebay, but I'm kind of liking staying in bed until 11 and then mooching around the house in my jammies. In fact, I'm loving it.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Diamonds are forever...

I've been in the same room as Kanye West.
Well, the room happened to be the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall and there were also thousands of other people there too, but you know what I mean.
It was amazing. From the full string section to the bits of other songs he has written beats for, for artists like Ludacris and Jay-Z, plus music that has apparently inspired him (Take on Me by A-Ha for one).
His cockiness had the girls screaming and the guys cheering. "I don't know if you know this, but...ha...I'm a pretty big deal."
He let the clapping and cheering continue for as long as it continued between songs and at one stage the girl in front of my stood up on her seat and flashed her boobs at him. He didn't see and I think the girl was a little upset about that. She was hilarious - like a cartoon character. Before the show even started, she warned me that she would be standing for the entire show, and she started dancing like a stripper, complete with booty shakes and body rolls. We all stood for the most part, but she was on her ass by the end. Tuckered herself out.
Kanye is pretty fucking talented. It was an amazing show. I wish I'd taken my camera, so many people were actually filming the show, including the guy next to me, who about 15 mins in had the video camera confiscated. This same guy and his girlfriend/wife/daughter sat, sat throughout the whole show. I looked over a couple of times and not once did they smile or dance or clap. Weirdos.
Oh, and the mobile phone has officially replaced the cigarette lighter as the thing you wave above your head at concerts.
Best birthday ever.
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