Monday, April 03, 2006
Diamonds are forever...

I've been in the same room as Kanye West.
Well, the room happened to be the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall and there were also thousands of other people there too, but you know what I mean.
It was amazing. From the full string section to the bits of other songs he has written beats for, for artists like Ludacris and Jay-Z, plus music that has apparently inspired him (Take on Me by A-Ha for one).
His cockiness had the girls screaming and the guys cheering. "I don't know if you know this, but...ha...I'm a pretty big deal."
He let the clapping and cheering continue for as long as it continued between songs and at one stage the girl in front of my stood up on her seat and flashed her boobs at him. He didn't see and I think the girl was a little upset about that. She was hilarious - like a cartoon character. Before the show even started, she warned me that she would be standing for the entire show, and she started dancing like a stripper, complete with booty shakes and body rolls. We all stood for the most part, but she was on her ass by the end. Tuckered herself out.
Kanye is pretty fucking talented. It was an amazing show. I wish I'd taken my camera, so many people were actually filming the show, including the guy next to me, who about 15 mins in had the video camera confiscated. This same guy and his girlfriend/wife/daughter sat, sat throughout the whole show. I looked over a couple of times and not once did they smile or dance or clap. Weirdos.
Oh, and the mobile phone has officially replaced the cigarette lighter as the thing you wave above your head at concerts.
Best birthday ever.
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