Sunday, August 27, 2006

I like who I am at the moment...

I love to read and when I find a book that I like, I'll read and re-read it five or ten times. My favorite feeling in the world is soap suds running down my body as I rinse them off. I often soap up three or four times in one shower. I collect quotes that I like from movies and song lyrics. I LOVE to crunch Autumn leaves under my shoes. I had mini-affair on the internet with a friend's brother. I hate it when a person can't budget. I've always been great with money, and can't understand people who can't manage it. My favorite movie at the moment is Garden State. I'm a messy, messy person, but I'm very clean. I'm the messy, but hygienic one, while my best friend is really dirty, but kind of neat. Like a warped Odd-Couple. I don't have any hang-ups about my body. In fact, I really like my body. I'm tall and slim with perky boobs which unfortunately are shrinking due to loss of weight) and a cute butt (so I've been told). I want to get married, but I tell people that I don't. I enjoy helping people that want to help themselves, and in my field of work they're few and far between. It makes me bitter when all they do is hold out their hands, but bitch when you want them to do something for the money you give them. "You want me to what? Fill out a form? Bitch, all you wanna do is make trouble. I have 4 kids, I have to pay rent and I have no food for my kids." Erm, then fill out the fucking form and I'll give you some money. I'd happily eat take away every night so that I don't have to clean up. I was described as 'quirky' in my college year book. I am in no way quirky, I mean I have quirks, but does that make me quirky?

All this and I'm still not sure where that leaves me...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but...

... my vibrator went missing when I moved.

UPDATE Sunday 2:45pm
I found it. I'm a fairly disorganised person and so that I don't lose important documents and the like, I have a bag in my closet that I shove anything that is important or may be importnant sometime down the track into.

That's where it was. Amongst the 'important documents'. Does this give you insight into what I consider to be a high priority? Tax returns, birth certificates, passport, vibrator, work contracts...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Beer and doubt...

mix perfectly well together...

Ok, life is going well right now. Too well, I feel like there must be a drama lurking around the corner to topple me off my perfectly constructed world.

I'm not really sure what to write here, I'm waiting to head over to the new man's house and I'm a little tipsy.

How about some thing you don't know about me? Huh? You'd like that? Ok, here:

1.I'm HIL-AR-IOUS. No really, I crack myself up ALL the time. All the time.
2.I love love love bubble baths.
3.I'm totally loving The Veronicas at the mo, which is quite a confession considering I'm not 12 years old.
4.I smell good right now.
5.I've recently discovered my independant side have discovered I don't need a man to hold my hand, nuh-uh. So I walk alone. At night. In the dark. (hmm, need to reconsider that one - doesn't really sound so smart now I think about it.)
6.I sing along to my iPod when I'm walking to and from work everyday and I don't care who thinks I'm a crazy woman.
7.I can never have glossy enough lips.
8.I take way too many photos.
9.I'm losing way too much weight and I can't help it. I'm really not doing anything different, it's just melting off. I have chicken wings for arms at the moment and all of my bras are getting too big.
10.I used a guy for a drink last night. What?! He was a schmuck! I allow guys who are scmucks to be used. Normally I would NOT do this, but he was seriously flashing his cash around. After he bought me the drink he started weaving his way through the crowd, motioning me to follow him. I nodded and ahead he went... and I went the opposite direction. Schmuck. I saw him later and he was very much giving me dirty looks..

Ok, I've put it off long enough.. I'm out.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The quick run down of the past month

Boy breaks up with girl. Girl is devastated. Girl moves herself into a new apartment. Girl cries herself to sleep for a week. Then all of a sudden Girl feels better - liberated. Two more weeks pass and Girl is feeling better than ever. Single for the first time since the age of 16, she is keen to meet many boys and kiss them all. Then out of nowhere Girl meets Man. Man is oh-so-sexy and super intelligent and best of all thinks Girl is a goddess. Girl pretty much freaks out about feeling something for someone so soon, but is soon convinced by Man that it's a pretty damn good idea. Girl and Man seem to make sense.

Girl is happy happy happy!!

It's been a while, huh?

Things I miss:


The big TV

My own bathroom

I’m learning to:

Laugh again

Flirt more

Be independent

I’m afraid of:

Breaking his heart (even though he broke mine first)

The future


I’d love to:

Be free of guilt

Win the lottery

Be much, much fitter

I’m planning to:

Start jogging a few times a week

Eat more nutritious meals (chicken nuggets, spring rolls and pizza pockets aren’t cutting it)

Book my plane ticket next week

My friends:

Think I’m doing all right considering the situation

Want me to hook up with heaps of guys

Have totally come thorough for me

Right now:

I love my life

I'm happier now than I was 2 months ago

It feels really good to smile!

*12 bucks a kilo!!

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