Sunday, March 05, 2006

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.

Oh, where do I begin to tell you about the night I had last night? I woke this morning feeling like I had head butted a brick wall and licked the bottom of a garbage bin.

The highlight of my night was watching a chick vomit and then five minutes later seeing my friend's ex stand in it.

So, I've spent the majority of the day sunbaking on our balcony reading up for my trip to Europe...

...on a side note, did you know that in Bulgaria, you shake your head for yes and nod you head for no. Ha! Those crazy Bulgarians...

Anyhow, we're having a bbq tonight to welcome home my roommate who has been in Thailand. Hopefully it will be low key so I don't feel like I'm feeling now tomorrow at work.

On another side note, it's my birthday in less than a month and I'm at a loss for what I should do. It's my 25th so I'll want it to be great, and was thinking about having a cocktail party or a costume party, but these things require planning and I'm not great a planning things for myself. I'm really very good at planning parties for other people, but I feel stressed when I have to do one for me. Aye, aye aye.

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