Monday, February 20, 2006

Oh yes, I have had a few rough days.
It all started on Friday while I was on my morning tea break. I was feeling more than a little queasy, and popped a few Eclipse Breath Mints to quell the nausea so that I could go and present at a staff meeting. Now I was presenting with a group and halfway through I had to excuse myself and sit off to the side. This was ok, it wasn't my turn to present and I'd just stand back up when it was, right? Wrong. Just as I was preparing myself to stand up, I knew things weren't ok. So I booked it out of that meeting room and up the hall to the bathrooms, which might I add are security coded so you have to punch in a combination before you can get in. As fast as I was running was just as fast as I was realising that I didn't know the code, but, oh thank you god as I got there a girl was coming out. I didn't even get a chance to apologize to her for shoving her out of my way as I made it to the toilet and proceeded in throwing up each and every green Eclipse Mint that I had consumed that morning.
So I got to leave work early, after a trip to the doctor whose first question was "Are you pregnent?" "No, " and surprisingly whose second question was "Then why are you throwing up?" "Uuummmm, that's why I'm here...". Just love doctors who don't think it's their job to diagnose. So he had no clue and prescribed my anti nausea tablets and sent me home.
Fast forward through the weekend which was spent in a haze of headaches, nausea, drowsiness and hot and cold sweats. I did manage to get to the beach for a quick swim, hoping to clear my head, but all that I managed to do was get dumped by a humungous freak wave...badly. Didn't help my cause.
Today (Monday) I took off work just because I still feel like ass. So I took my nauseous, headachey self back to the doctor who prescribed me MORE painkillers and told me to stop taking my contraceptive pill. Apparently I'm not having a very good reaction. Apparently.
So I'm on two different types of medication that are also considered sedatives which means wheeeee! I'm totally out of it. So chances are this post doesn't make any sense.
My life has been fairly interesting of late which is part of the reason I haven't posted much at all.
Oh gee, I've got to lie down...
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