Monday, November 07, 2005
A socially retarded weekend

My Original Plan while my man was bucking it up at a buck's weekend (since when did they stop being buck's nights and start being buck's weekends?) was to partake in a little heavy drinking, some killer moves on the dance floor, a bit of harmless flirting with all of the departing american college boys and a vegetarian pide with chicken on the way home...
n : a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
There was nothing even remotely debaucherous about my weekend.
I left work early on Friday, went straight to the doctor who took one look at my throat and said "virus - nothing we can do". "Humph. nothing?". "Nothing". So Friday night was spent sleeping. Saturday morning I woke up in agony thinking "nothing? we can do nothing?", popped some pills, made some tea and went back to bed for the rest of the day. Half of Saturday night saw me fielding calls from people demanding I stop being a pussy and come out and the other half was spent creating this lovely blog. Which half was better spent? you tell me. Sunday I woke to my mobile phone ringing, my mother telling me they weren't coming up to visit today... sweeeet, another day on the couch.
And as much as I was looking forward to my weekend of partying and acting single, I had a pretty damn good weekend (apart from the throat thing). It's good to be alone, I really relish my own company sometimes (as long as I'm not lonely - there's a difference).
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