Sunday, November 06, 2005
Oh, enough about me... what do you think about me?

I just thought I'd embrace the narcissist in me and tell anyone who's reading a little bit about my self.
10 Things:
1. I'm 5'11 - most of my life I've had trouble finding guys who could comfortably stand next to me in my heels (imagine Tom and Nicole) Luckily I've got me a tall one now, a basketballer no less.
2. I only have one close girl friend. I tend to get on with guys and I know that a lot of girls make this claim - but I think girls are bitchy, I know I can be. I'd rather drink a pint with the boys than a chardonnay with the girls. I'd rather play volley ball on the beach than lay down and bake in the sun. I'd rather talk about sex than makeup. I'd rather stand up to pee... no that's not true, but you get my point? I'm a girly girl who likes to be a tom boy... let's leave it at that.
3. I'm obsessed with quotes and song lyrics - oh, you'll see if you stick around.
4. I grew up in a very small coastal town but I went to school in the bigger town half an hour away. I wasn't popular, I wasn't unpopular. I actually spent most of my high-school years feeling invisible, which is the way I liked it. As soon as I got to college though, it changed big time. I suddenly had sooo many friends, sooo many parties and I.LOVED.IT. I've mellowed a bit since then, I'm not such an attention whore but I still love walking into our local pub and knowing at least 50% of the clientele.
5. My biggest obsession is strawberry lipbalm from The BodyShop. Now I'm taking a chance with that one, I want to keep this blog anon, but anyone that knows me, knows my obsession.
6. I flirt with my boyfriend's friends. I've only just realised that I do it, but I do and there you have it.
7. I have a great guy, stable, cute, smart, perfect... but I think I want more than that. Travel plays a huge part in my future, but he's not so keen on the idea and even though I don't want to have to choose, I think I know what I'd do.
8. I've only just starting reading other people's blogs in the last 2 months and have become a huge fan of some of them. I'm a voyeur I guess. I guess it could be compared to my interest in reality TV. I like to see how other people live and sometimes by measuring my life against theirs, I realise that my life ain't so bad.
9. I think my boobs are great.
10. I have had more that one great love in my life - I believe that you get more than one soul mate, it's just all about choices.
So there you have it...
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We have quite a bit in common actually! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to comment whenever! I will be checking yours now for updates!
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