Monday, November 14, 2005

My spam folder is my friend

I have an obsession that I'd like to share with you.

Well, I have a number of obsessions, but one of the more bizarre things I do regularly is check my spam. I on average get about 5-10 per day and they disappear straight to my little junk mail folder. I don't even have to look at them if I don't want to- but I do. Daily.

It all started a few years ago when I became a little too interested in entering online competitions and subsequently was bombarded with every offer imaginable. I still am sometimes fooled by the enticing messages which lure me with subject lines that read "Here is the pic!" or "Pics from the other night". I think to myself Well, it could be real... Anyhow, I started letting my junk mail folder take care of itself.

Until one day...

Imagine my horror when I opened my spam folder to see a message from a friend of mine urging me to "Come to my 21st!" Why was it in my spam folder? What if I didn't check? I would have assumed I was not invited. Was it there just because it was addressed to more than 50 people? I'm guessing so, however I never took that chance again.

Religiously. That is how I now check my spam folder.

I may have to spend a few minutes everyday deleting offers for penis enlargers, boob enhancers and credit cards with phenomenally low interest rates, but I can rest assured I will never miss an invitation to a party again.

P.S. When I was in America there was a cool advertisement for Spam - Crazy Tasty! I still giggle like an idiot when I think of it... Same with that psychotic Quizno's commerical.

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