Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed

I started out 2005 in a fantastic (read: low paying) job that enabled me to at least pretend that I was using my degree. I commuted 3 hours a day to the city to work in the advertising section of a national newspaper. Every morning on the 5:30am train ride I'd plug my iPod into my ears, lay back and dream of traveling the world, the WHOLE world. And every evening on the 5pm train back home I'd do exactly the same. I had it all planned out, a round-the-world ticket, travel for two years with my man and return to Australia to grow my career, get married and have children.
Now I have a job that is a 5 minute walk from my apartment and I don't have as much time to daydream, but it's still there in the back of my head, only now I have other things that I'm desperate to do, like write a book, own a business and own my own home. I'm not poor or destitute by any means, but I don't have any real serious cash. So let's just say I'll put those ideas on hold, not permenantly, but let's just say that I'll need to either marry rich or win lotto.
I'm only 24 so I'm not too concerned about choosing my life plan immediately, however I'd like to know what I want to be by the time I'm 30. Gah! What do I do? Leave a perfectly tediously well-paying, stable government position so I can be a pub-working, 2 minute-noodle eating backpacker? I wouldn't just be giving up my job, I'd have to give up my apartment, my furniture and quite possibly my favourite man in the world (apart from my dad)...
So, here we are only two months away from the new year and I feel like I've achieved very little - sure my life is different to a year ago and I'm a much much happier person... but has anything really changed?
Tennessee Williams said To be free is to have achieved your life.
I guess I have a ways to go...
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I'm right there with you.
It's like you imagine everything to be this certain way--especially by 24 (that's my age too), and all the sudden you wake up realizing it's nothing at all as planned.
I wish I could just quit my job, pick up my stuff, and start traveling and learn more about myself and see the world.
But my job provides me with the money and health insurance I need to be able to effin' survive.
At any rate, you are not alone in this unaccomplished feeling.
Damn the man.
It's like you imagine everything to be this certain way--especially by 24 (that's my age too), and all the sudden you wake up realizing it's nothing at all as planned.
I wish I could just quit my job, pick up my stuff, and start traveling and learn more about myself and see the world.
But my job provides me with the money and health insurance I need to be able to effin' survive.
At any rate, you are not alone in this unaccomplished feeling.
Damn the man.
Okay, so I'm a few years older than 24 and I *STILL* don't know what I want to do with my life. Actually, more accurately stated, that's, 'I keep starting over and living different lives.'
I honestly think one of the most interesting things about the world is the millions and gazillions of different ways in which people live in it. I've been a bartender, diplomat, teacher, writer, PR/communications guru, administrator and a bunch of other things in between.
If you're looking for an interesting, albeit someone dated, column along the "what should I do with my life" lines, I suggest Schmich. If you're looking for an interesting book, I suggest Po Bronson's "What Should I Do with My Life?"
They're both pretty good in that earthy-crunch-march-to-the-beat-of-your-own-drum kind of way that I love so much.
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I honestly think one of the most interesting things about the world is the millions and gazillions of different ways in which people live in it. I've been a bartender, diplomat, teacher, writer, PR/communications guru, administrator and a bunch of other things in between.
If you're looking for an interesting, albeit someone dated, column along the "what should I do with my life" lines, I suggest Schmich. If you're looking for an interesting book, I suggest Po Bronson's "What Should I Do with My Life?"
They're both pretty good in that earthy-crunch-march-to-the-beat-of-your-own-drum kind of way that I love so much.
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