Saturday, November 05, 2005
I'll take a skinny one please!

I was thinking today about how weird my taste in men is...
I was watching that Tad Hamilton movie thinking "I totally would choose the geeky, skinny guy over the buff, sexy one." I think this disturbed me more because I knew that the other one was sexier, I just prefer them to be small and funny. I think I've always been that way... of course I had my share of crushes on the sporty/built/buff types of guys, and I've even dated a few of them... but every single one of my serious relationships has been with a nerd.
Take my current nerd, he's a high school computer teacher and when I first started going out with him 2 1/2 years ago, he was a skinny, pale thing straight out of uni... he's kind of cool now and he's filled out quite well... but, I'm ashamed to say don't dig him as much as I used to!
I'm a fairly normal girl, not stunning, but not ugly by any means. I know that I get hit on by the good looking guys all the time when I go out, and trust me, it's flattering. But nothing is more flattering when a nerd guy tries to have a bumbling conversation with you, and it makes me smile big when a nerd guys asks you if you'd like a drink and when you say yes, he goes to walk away and runs straight into a table.
Hmmm, maybe that's just it. I know I can have an adverse reaction on some guys and it's generally the nerdy ones. Maybe that's why I prefer them?
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